Mikä olisi parempi aloitus kesälle kuin reissu kavereiden kesken. Siispä suuntasimme maanantaina Isan syntymäpäivänä Lotan kanssa Tallinnaan. Meillä oli suunnitelmissa ottaa paljon kuvia blogia varten, ostaa uusia vaatteita, kävellä vanhoilla kaduilla sekä syödä hyvää ruokaa. Aamulla laivalla söimme aamupalan ja kahden tunnin laivamatka kului todella nopeasti. Ehdimme juuri ja juuri syödä sekä käydä kiertämässä laivan kauppaa. Oli nimittäin tarkistettava, saako sieltä Oreo-suklaata.
Laivan saavuttua Tallinnaan, meillä oli koko aamupäivä aikaa kierrellä vanhaa kaupunkia ja kuvailla kauniilla mukulakivikaduilla. Kuvailun jälkeen oli aika etsiä jokin viihtyisä lounaspaikka. Kello oli vasta kaksitoista, joten saimme syödä rauhassa Vennad-ravintolan kellarissa. Isa ja Lotta tilasivat alkuruoaksi maukasta tomaattikeittoa. Voimme todellakin suositella ravintolaa, sillä ruoka oli herkullista ja halpaa Suomen hintoihin verrattuna.
Iltapäivällä menimme Viru-keskukseen kiertelemään kauppoja, ja sieltä löytyi onneksi kaikille jotain ostettavaa. Ostoksien jälkeen lähdimme etsimään kahvilaa. Vanha kaupunki on täynnä kaikenlaisia kuppiloita, joten oikean valitseminen oli vaikeaa. Sopiva kahvila, Gourmet Club, löytyikin aivan vanhan kaupungin reunalta. Se oli täynnä erilaisia pieniä leivoksia, keksejä ja muffineja.
Illalla laivaan palatessamme olimme kaikki aivan väsyneitä. Olimme huomaamatta kävelleet lähes kaksikymmentä kilometriä. Laivamatkalla takaisin Helsinkiin rentouduimme, söimme herkkuja ja ostimme laivakaupasta vielä jotain pientä mukaan. Teresa osti myös ihanan tuoksuisen Victoria's Secretin hajuveden.
What would be a better start to summer than a trip with friends? That's why we left to Tallinn with Lotta on Monday, which was Isa's birthday. We had planned to take lots of pictures, go shopping, walk along the beautiful streets in the Old Town of Tallinn and just enjoy good food and company.
In the morning we ate breakfast on the ship so the two-hour trip went really quickly. We had to also check if there were Oreo-chocolate at the store of the ship. After we'd arrived in Tallinn we had the whole morning to look around in the Old Town and take some pictures on the cobbled streets. After shooting we had lunch at a homie restaurant, Vennad. Isa and Lotta had tomato soup for starters. We can truly recommend the restaurant, because the food was delicious and wasn't too expensive.
In the afternoon we went shopping to the Viru center and luckily everyone found at least something to buy. Then we needed some coffee so walked back to the Old Town to find some nice café. Café Gourmet Club was full of various cakes, cookies and muffins so we had there a nice birthday coffee for Isa.
The ship left back to Helsinki at 7.30 pm and we were all really tired after walking almost twenty kilometers. On the ship we just relaxed and bought some goodies at the store. Teresa bought also a lovely perfume of Victoria's secrets.
What would be a better start to summer than a trip with friends? That's why we left to Tallinn with Lotta on Monday, which was Isa's birthday. We had planned to take lots of pictures, go shopping, walk along the beautiful streets in the Old Town of Tallinn and just enjoy good food and company.
In the morning we ate breakfast on the ship so the two-hour trip went really quickly. We had to also check if there were Oreo-chocolate at the store of the ship. After we'd arrived in Tallinn we had the whole morning to look around in the Old Town and take some pictures on the cobbled streets. After shooting we had lunch at a homie restaurant, Vennad. Isa and Lotta had tomato soup for starters. We can truly recommend the restaurant, because the food was delicious and wasn't too expensive.
In the afternoon we went shopping to the Viru center and luckily everyone found at least something to buy. Then we needed some coffee so walked back to the Old Town to find some nice café. Café Gourmet Club was full of various cakes, cookies and muffins so we had there a nice birthday coffee for Isa.
The ship left back to Helsinki at 7.30 pm and we were all really tired after walking almost twenty kilometers. On the ship we just relaxed and bought some goodies at the store. Teresa bought also a lovely perfume of Victoria's secrets.
-Teresa & Isa
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Laivan aamupalabuffetissa oli hyvää leipää, mutta olisimme kaivanneet enemmän hedelmiä. |
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McCafésta oli pakko hakea isot suklaakeksit. |
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Farkkutakki Guess, pitsitoppi ja housut Vero Moda. |
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